
Our Products

ERP Solutions For Media


Information entered once in the system is available all across, eliminating Duplication resulting in man-hours saved. It is a shift from the Transactionbased system to a Workflow based one, so it results in work redistribution. Hence, optimal Manpower usage

Data uniformity & accuracy across the system

  • Online / Real-time information across all the functional areas of the organization
  • Simple & easy to use “ GUI” based MIS
  • Consolidate data from multiple locations and get ‘real’ time MIS
  • Expand rapidly with lesser investment in manpower and resources
  • Leverage enterprise-wide collaboration and transparency
  • Boost IT collaboration with your customers and associates
  • Minimize revenue ‘leakages’ and improve recovery
  • Realize opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling
  • Provide better service to your business associates, advertisers and subscribers

Single window solution unlike other systems that require the involvement of multiple vendors (at least the solution provider and an integration provider).

Highly customizable as opposed to other systems which are extremely rigid cost efficient with low cost of maintenance requires standard infrastructure and no major expenses on infrastructure quick deployment with an implementation time of 3 to 6 months.